
When thinking of what we could do for our preliminary task we decided to create a storyboard so we have an organized plan of what we could in co-operate into our prelim. This was helpful as then we were able to create sub category's including mise en scene, cinematography etc. This allowed us to make sure we involved a variety of shots in the prelim. By creating a storyboard it made the filming take relatively little time as we knew exactly what techniques, shots and composition we were going to use.
To understand really what we needed to do for the task, we watched previous years prelims to see what sort of shots etc we needed to have in our prelim. Also it gave us an aim to try and compete against these previous years prelims and made the group determined to try and come up with something better. 

In our task we had to  include the 180 rule, match on action shot and shot-reverse-shot into the task to show our understanding. This was beneficial as it allowed the group to have to think about what shots would actually look good, instead of just putting things in we wanted to do. 

During the filming of our prelim the group worked well as a team and we were able to film the shots quickly as everything ran to plan. The only problems we had was the costume. The prelim shooting was taken over two days, we tried to make sure everybody wore the same costume. However, James decided to wear the wrong shirt! So, half way through the prelim we had a huge continuity error. This however, made us more aware of what weren't going to do when we had to shoot our thriller. 

This process helped the group work with a camera and how to film shots to make them look  professional, we also made sure we included 180 degree rule, match on action and shot-reverse-shot. We could then use these shots in our own thriller if we wanted to.

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